Alter Ego Fetish party
Alter Ego is the largest monthly
strict dress code fetish party in North America. Alter
Ego is hosted the second Saturday of every month in the
Hollywood-Fort lauderdale area. Our typical attendence
is 800+ every month. The venue is a 10,0000 sf Historic
Building with 7 rooms an outdoor courtyard, 2 dance
floors and 6 full service liquor bars. Crystal
chandeliers, ornate wood trim, murals make this venue
stand apart and is perfect for a sexy party.
Anakosha is a community of friends who have given
themselves permission to add to the beauty of friendship
the close personal intimacy of sexual expression.
We believe the desire for sexual intimacy with others is
normal, an inherent part of our human nature, and that
by adopting standards of considerate behavior, it can be
channeled into a way of living that affirms friendship,
marriage, responsibility, sensitivity and trust.
The reason Anakosha exists is to offer a different entry
into this culture. There are plenty of nightclubs which
offer fun and excitement, a "wild and crazy" time, and
that works for some people. But we think most people
want to approach an intimate culture such as ours by
taking enough time to learn about it and become
comfortable with it. Our approach is to offer a gradual,
thoughtful pilgrimage into a circle of friends ready to
welcome newcomers on the basis of solid values of
honesty, trust and sensitivity and consideration for
others. The time required may take a day or it may take
years. It shouldn't be rushed, but when the comfort is
there, it shouldn't be delayed.
Women in the Lifestyle: Anakosha is especially
supportive of women, not only those who need time to
adapt their feelings to something as unconventional as
sexual sharing, but also those who are naturally
enthusiastic about it.
No matter how wide the range of sexual enthusiasm, women
have a lot to tell men about how to go about intimate
connections. Nature made their sexual roles different,
and if men don't understand both the obvious and the
subtle differences, they won't get together. That's why
we sponsor regular conferences in which women meet, and
men meet, and the two groups share information and
In fact, we like to say that feminine values predominate
in Anakosha, and that Anakosha is more Venusian than
Martian. To a considerable extent, the direction of
Anakosha is determined by women, because most Anakosha
men are wise enough to know that a harmonious balance in
sexual sharing results from that.
Anakosha is a non-profit corporation organized for the
purposes of education and exploration of human sexuality
and love in the context of marriage and alternative
relationships, and the spiritual connotations of those
relationships, with emphasis on the concept of sexual
Our goals include bringing people together to learn
about this concept, establishing local circles of
friendship wherever there are like-minded people, around
the country and around the world, and establishing
landed facilities, similar to nudist resorts, where
adherents of the concept may visit and interact with
each other in an atmosphere of freedom and support, and
live there if they choose. We at Anakosha call this kind
of ultimate dream community -- The Village of Freedom,
and it is a major goal. But first, we must build a
network which supports the Village.
Anakoshans are proud of their values. They may not be
the family values of everyone in America, or the world,
but they are OUR family values. We demand that they have
the same tolerance as other models.
In aid of that, Anakosha is a founding member of the
Institute for Twenty-first Century Relationships, and
has a seat on the board of the National Coalition for
Sexual Freedom. We intend to do our best to raise the
dignity of the lifestyle of sexual sharing. that
advocacy is done of course apart from any reference to
members, who are protected by our privacy agreement.
What we offer to our members:
We offer information, education, and spiritual
exploration, but most importantly of all, the
opportunity for social interaction. We do this in a lot
of ways.
Website as community center. We are expanding the
private members area of this website to expand the
opportunities for contact among members, and to back
those up with other tools, such as conferences on
PalTalk, which will allow members from all over the
world to visit with each other. and to permit members to
have their own web page for $3 a month.
Special Interest Groups. We have different
interests and want different things in our exploration
of our lifestyle. So we have SIGS for members near in
age to each other, for members who enjoy ethnic
diversity, for spiritual members, for single members,
and members interested on polyamory. The private area of
the website is the place where you can sign up for those
activities and make contact with others.
Members' Photo Album. This is a section of the
private area of this website where members can get a web
page, including as much narrative or other information
they wanted to provide, for $3 a month.
There are several kinds of social events, each offering
a low-key way to get acquainted with us. Our restaurant
socials are the most frequent example. We have beach
parties now and then, too. And some online conferences
don't require a privacy agreement.
This site now provides a private members area for
Anakosha members, where they can meet each other and
keep in touch. Each member can post a web page and photo
as part of their membership. It's a great way for
Anakoshans to meet each other as far away as Australia
-- where we have members.
Current Anakosha-sponsored events in Southwest Florida:
Various events are happening in the Naples/Ft. Myers,
Florida area that are Anakosha-sponsored.
Orientations are held monthly in Naples at Anakosha
headquarters into the Anakosha way.
Dinner and dancing follow the monthly orientations, at
local restaurants.
A discreet private network unofficially exists within
the membership of Anakosha. Contacts and activities
between couples is encouraged, as are small parties and
gatherings by invitation. Members are eligible to be
invited. All it takes is getting to know the people who
are doing the hosting.
Anakosha has its roots in two lifestyles: swinging and
polyamory (pollie-AM-ory).
Swinging is a networked lifestyle that developed in the
last fifty years, arising from many individual
explorations in mate-swapping. Its focus is on
recreational sex. Its origin, by all accounts, was male.
Many men realized that they had a non-monogamous
sexuality, and to the extent that they could persuade
their wives to accept that same tendency in themselves,
small networks formed. The advantage of traditional
swinging is that, because it is focused entirely on sex,
one's emotional relationship is never put at risk. The
disadvantage is that robust, caring friendships are a
secondary consideration. They often happen, but they are
not the primary focus. The result is an atmosphere that
is more "meat market" than circle of friends.
Polyamory is a more recent concept, which supports
openness to loving more, and developing intense love
relationships beyond two-person relationships, with a
de--emphasis on sex before such a relationship has
flowered. Anakosha believes that most human beings have
a need to form a primary bond, such that it is
impossible to just decide to have several co-equal
bonds. We think that multiple relationships that are
deeply romantic will produce competition for the primary
bond. That is, letting love go that far risks the
relationship you started out with.
Anakosha supports free sexual and emotional expression
between committed couples, but only to the extent that
the primary bond is respected and protected.
All our teaching emphasizes the sensitivity,
consideration and trust which are indispensable to
intimate friendship. We love our friends. But we
primarily support committed couple relationships,
especially conventional marriage, and we warn against
involvements which distract from those relationships.
We believe sex is fun, and should be kept light-hearted,
though it is also an intimate communion. Sex can
actually be a great way to jump-start an intimate
friendship. So some of us call ourselves social
polyamorists, because we care about the whole person and
not just one's sexual aspect. You are more than just a
body to us.
The first question is, why should we do this? Why should
we open our marriage or committed relationship to sexual
intimacy with others?
Well, its a lot of fun, but there are other reasons, and
if we ignore those reasons, unhappiness is likely to
There are two important drives in the area of human
sexuality: (1) human beings overwhelmingly want to form
a primary bond with one other person, that results in
deep emotional interdependence and love; the
evolutionary reason for this of course was to support a
family; and (2) we need to have sex with others. Human
beings are not inherently monogamous. Men are especially
driven to spread their seed among the most females
possible in order for their genes to survive. Women have
a less powerful drive to diversity, but they too alter
their choice of the most survival-prone male to partner
with from time to time.
The adultery statistics are strong evidence of the
non-monogamous tendencies of human beings. Various
surveys over many decades average out to say this: about
50% of all American men will commit adultery at some
point, and about 20-25% of all women. (In July 2004,
Newseek magazine did a cover story on female adultery in
which they said that the true number was more like 35%,
because women tended to fib to interviewers.) These
surveys do NOT measure the number of men and women who
WANT to have sexual experiences with others but dont
because they are taught that it is wrong. There is
evidence that almost all men have those feelings, and a
great many women fantasize about extramarital sex at
least occasionally. The surveys only measure the number
of people who actually go out and get it on with others.
Those numbers tell us that a lot of people cheat and at
the very least feel guilty, and at worst suffer the
breakup of their relationships, with all the financial
hardship, heartbreak, dislocation of family, loss of
friends, and disappointment of ones intimate circle that
that involves. Or, they dont act on their desires, and
feel something is missing from their lives, an itch they
cant scratch without doing violence to their principles,
or those of their partner, whom they committed to
without ever discussing why monogamy was, or was not, so
So the system created by Western society requires most
of us to experience, all our lives in a committed
relationship, either guilt or frustration. That is
because the system presumes that the two primary sexual
needs of human beings, to form a primary bond and to
reach out to others, are in conflict and are
irreconcilable. Well, it's not true.
That notion had a lot to do with the way societies
organized, which typically involved passing power and
wealth through bloodlines. The identity of ones progeny
was very important; it wouldnt do for some other man to
father a son of the wife of a king or a duke. And many
common people depended on their children to take care of
them in their old age, which they might not do knowing
they were not actually their children.
But all that was before birth control and retirement
plans. Actually, there was birth control as early as the
Egyptians. Cleopatra used a sponge soaked in vinegar, a
technique no doubt passed down for generations and
dynasties. But the early Christian leaders came out
against sex, and the Jews before them were pretty strong
against adultery (by women, though concubines were OK),
to the point of stoning violators, so those practices
were suppressed, and along with them considerable choice
about sexual behavior. (Interestingly, Mediterranean
Jews practiced polygamy until about 1000 A.D.)
But if one is brave enough to be more liberal about sex,
to the extent that it is not regarded as inherently evil
outside marriage, other possibilities open. In America
in the 20th century, a majority of the population came
to accept that sex outside marriage is not inherently
evil, at least if you were single. The stigma for
married people to be sexual with others largely remains.
Jealousy and possessiveness has a lot to do with that.
But what if you extend tolerance to extramarital sex? Is
it then possible that the two needs, primary bond and
sex with others, are not in conflict? Is it possible to
honor the primary bond yet permit sex with others? Is it
possible that the result will be happy for everyone?
The answer is Yes.
The genius of the lifestyle known as popularly as
swinging is that it is based on a simple framework that
is very familiar to committed couples: the couple stays
together for the activity, goes home together, knows
almost everything about what each other does during the
activity (if not in the same room, at least under the
same roof), consents to it, and hopefully derives almost
as much enjoyment from the partners enjoyment as from
his or her own.
There are several shades of swinging, and they have
something to do with the history of the Lifestyle.
Some kind of secret sharing has no doubt occurred in
Western culture for a long time, but very little has
been documented until the 20th century, except for the
Oneida community in New York in the early 1800s. The
modern Lifestyle is completely separate from that
experience. That was a religious community, and modern
swinging begn with Air Force pilots in World War II.
Originally, swinging was led by the men, and it
occasionally had overtones of the kind of male crassness
about sex that you can find in the pages of Hustler
magazine. Gradually, and corresponding roughly with the
womens liberation movement, women became more assertive
and insisted that the tone of Lifestyle interactions and
parties be a lot gentler and more civilized. Anakosha
believes that the Lifestyle is at its richest when it is
expressed in a style in which the women are most
comfortable. For that reason, we say that the women play
the leading role in Anakosha. The men do not lightly
ignore what the women want, or object to.
Similarly, friendship is important in the Lifestyle.
Back in the days of suburban wife-swapping, which
occasionally got written about in tabloids before the
organized network of swinging evolved, couples knew each
other and were friendly if not close friends. When
commercial swing clubs came into being, the pull was
toward an exciting nightclub experience, and the gentler
approach in those settings was replaced by almost
anonymous interactions with complete strangers.
Commercial clubs, even those who try to relate in a warm
and friendly way to their members, still tend to portray
evenings with them as wild and crazy times to be had.
Home-based clubs, almost uniformly, offer a warmer,
gentler environment.
Anakoshas way
Anakosha has enshrined the importance of friendship in
its statement of values. In that regard, it differs from
the official definition of swinging written by Robert
McGinley, founder of NASCA (formerly North American
Swing Club Association): social interaction for the
purpose of recreational sex. We think that definition is
a little too sex-focused. Instead, Anakosha promotes
friendship, with permission for consensual sexual
intimacy when it feels right for those involved. The
friendship comes first, even if it is only by a few
hours or minutes, and the sex falls into place as it
will, understanding the participants are inclined in
that direction to begin with, but with no pressure to do
Of course, youre not going to have warm feelings about
everyone you meet, and sometimes the chemistry can be
negative. All we expect when that happens is civility
and cordiality. But most people who are attracted to the
Anakosha way are themselves pretty nice people, so most
of the time youll be meeting people you will enjoy
getting to know.
Another leader of the Lifestyle, the late George
Pittman, described the result as intimate friendships, a
phrase which fits Anakosha like a glove. So in Anakosha,
while many members conveniently describe themselves as
swingers, it is more accurate to think of us as intimate
friends, or sexual sharers, or social polyamorists.
Also, a lot of people in the Lifestyle of sexual sharing
dont like the word swinger because it sounds too
hedonistic, and their approach is more complex and
idealistic than mere hedonism.
Whether you prefer the McGinley or the Anakosha
definition, specific interactions work best when all
participants have friendly feelings toward each other.
Indeed, the better friends you are with another couple
you are being sexual with, the easier it is to feel
comfort and trust about the situation. It is the exact
opposite of the straight world, where your partner
having sex with your best friend is the most brutal
betrayal of all. In the Lifestyle, best friends are the
most logical, and most welcome playmates of all for your
There are literally millions of couples in America now,
and many others around the world, who can testify that
swinging in general, and the friendship-oriented version
especially, work. They have had many happy experiences,
and they describe their lives as relieved of sexual
frustration of the look but dont touch kind, and they
speak of improved communication between themselves as
primary partners, and of feeling closer and more
trusting of their special friends.
Statistics vary, but we believe around 4% of American
couples participate in the Lifestyle regularly or
occasionally. That may not sound like much, but it's
more than 10 million people -- more than several
prominent religious denominations: more than the
Lutherans standing alone, or the Presbyterians, or the
Pentecostals, and more than all the Episcopalians,
Mormons and Jews put together. And we believe that once
American couples come to understand the joys and rewards
of the Lifestyle, and the stigma of its taboo begins to
fade, much larger numbers of Americans will embrace the
There are various other possibilities for non-monogamous
We have all heard of couples who have an understanding,
or open marriage, such that one or both of them
occasionally or frequently go their own way sexually
with their partners consent. The trouble with that is
that it puts distance in between the extramarital sex
and the primary bond, and that tends to evoke a fear of
loss of the primary bond, that is, jealousy. And the two
partners (or more) of the one marital partner are
typically not close, and that means at the very least
that one is experiencing rich intimate experiences that
the other has no connection with at all. Worse yet,
those disconnected intimate relationships typically
resemble the primary one, and often involve romantic
love, which can be confusing and distracting to the
partner with the lover, and unless that partner is truly
committed to his or her primary partner, that primary
relationship might be undermined or destroyed.
There is another arrangement, known these days as
polyamory, a word which was originally coined to mean
all forms of responsible non-monogamy, but in recent
usage has been co-opted to mean situations in which all
the participants form a committed, loving relationship
together. The most common version is a triad (three
people), but it can be a quad or quintet or even more.
In many such relationships, the members enter into the
arrangement professing that all branches of it have
equal status -- that there is no primary bond. We
believe that in doing so, most are making the mistake of
ignoring the primary bond, such that if the group
pretends it doesnt exist, there will in fact be a
subconscious competition for it, with the result that
someone will come away disappointed and hurt, and maybe
the original primary bond will be destroyed. We think it
is better to identify any primary bonds that exist in
the group and defer to them.
It is because of such problems that most swingers avoid
deep emotional entanglements with their lovers like the
plague. In Anakosha, we think it is perfectly normal to
love your friends just as straight people do, without
becoming romantically entangled. Still, we dont deny
that some people can manage multiple romantic
relationships. Indeed, polyamory has a place under the
Anakosha umbrella. We just warn that it is riskier, and
certainly more work, than the simple model of one
primary bond-couple sharing as friends with others.
More detailed guidance is contained in the Members Area
of our website.
Barbi's World-Famous Sexy Party Club for Swingers,
Voyeurs and Exhibitionists.
So Fun, No Wonder We're #1, With over $7,000 in
vacations & prizes given away at every party. Parties
are held at the nicest swing clubs in Florida giving all
party-goers opportunities to experience different swing
clubs regardless of where they are a member. Everyone is
welcome, Swingers, Couples, Exhibitionist, Voyeurs,
Singles, Fetish-Seekers, Anyone & everyone that is
looking for an evening of erotic fun in a wild "New
Years Eve style" party atmosphere that you've got to see
to believe.
Most people have the wrong idea of what a swing club is.
Many think that its just one big orgy and you check your
clothes at the door and then dive right in, doing
anything you want with whomever you like. At our
parties, this is COMPLETELY not the case! More than
anything else, our parties are a social club where youll
meet and form friendships with some of the nicest people
youve ever met. In some cases, youll form bonds that
will last a lifetime. Heres how it works...
When you walk into a swing club for the very first time,
you and or your partner are probably very nervous. You
dont know anyone there and you might feel like everyone
is watching you. Thats a good sign! That means youre
normal. Thats exactly how everyone feels their first
You might expect a lot when you first come to a club and
thats probably the biggest cause of anxiety for first
time visitors. I realize that for many men its hard to
not think about fulfilling all your fantasies about
orgies and threesomes involving the man with two women,
etc... That could be a huge mistake. As a first time
visitor, wives are usually more nervous about the
evening, and one sure way to add fuel to that nervous
fire is for her to see her husband bouncing off the
walls with excitement about jumping into an orgy or
looking overly anxious about being with anyone new and
that is not his mate.
The best way to approach the evening is with only one
single expectation, and that is to have a fun time
together. For your first visit to a swing club plan on
having a nice dinner and enjoying the sexually charged
dance floor. This way youll both be completely
comfortable, shes not worried about him wanting to dive
into the first orgy he sees and hes not worried about
deciding who is worthy of touching his precious wife.
Then one (or a few) of the following things will
definitely happen...
# 1 - At the end of the night after dinner and dancing,
you will both go home with each other and after dancing
all evening in such a sexually charged environment you
will both have the best mind-blowing orgasms during your
love-making that youve had in years, probably recharging
your sex life and supercharging your relationship and
your marriage.
# 2 - While on the crowded dance floor during one of the
slow songs, youre dancing together and an attractive
couple is dancing beside you and her clothes are coming
off and you find her body rubbing against yours on the
dance floor. You both respond by touching and caressing
them back. Then after the song, you disappear into the
crowd enjoying the excitement of the nameless pleasure
of this slight sexy anonymous encounter.
# 3 - You are both so turned on by the evening that you
go into one of our many cozy, private rooms, lock the
door behind you, dim the chandelier, and seeing each
other in the mirrors that surround you on all four
walls, you enjoy great sex together by being in a
different place and knowing that right on the other side
of the wall, another couple (or threesome, foursome or
moresome) is doing the same. In fact you can even hear
their sexy sounds through the walls which multiplies
your excitement.
# 4 - You both decide to be a little adventurous. You
secure your clothes in a locker and wrap up in two giant
beach towels, both provided complimentarily by our
playroom attendant. You go to the giant Jacuzzi for a
bit where you can enjoy being naked but since youre shy
your first visit you feel more comfortable being in the
water where your hands can roam, playing with each other
(and maybe others too) under water and not in obvious
plain view of everyone, (even though others might be
engaged in all sorts of easily viewable activities in
and around the Jacuzzi and you).
# 5 - You both know that you want to see more, but youre
not sure about how much you want to participate in. So
wrapped in your little security blanket beach towels you
venture into the main upstairs "Luvnasium" party
complex. Over 5,000 square feet of sensual paradise, one
gigantic mattress covering several entire rooms,
surrounded by mirrored walls with tropical plants,
lighting, ceiling fans and naked bodies.... Lots of
them. You dont get on the mattress, but instead you
climb into one of the several observation cubby-holes up
above, close enough to easily view all the exciting
activities in the room down below you, yet far enough
away to accommodate your comfort zone. You feel like
youre part of the activities though not needing to
participate in them. Its like youre sitting in an adult
theater watching the most erotic orgy youve ever seen,
except this time it isnt a movie... The action is real
and live!
# 6 - You see the couple you were slow dancing beside on
the dance floor. There is room next to them so you
spread your beach towels out on the mattress beside them
and lay down. You begin kissing and playing with your
mate, when after a little while the pretty girl of the
couple beside you gently touches your arm to extend an
invitation to touch them back. You respond to her touch
not really knowing yet how much touching or caressing
will take place, but knowing full well that either
couple can say no at any time and set any limits they
desire. Maybe the ladies only touch each other while the
men each pleasure their own wives. Maybe the men are
massaging both the ladies entire bodies or maybe the
ladies are stroking the other man while having sex with
her husband. Who knows what might happen this special
magical night, its all up to you and those involved with
you. Maybe she might enjoy giving you oral while her
husband services her from behind, youll be sure to see
plenty of that going on here. And maybe youll engage in
full partner sharing with a complete exchange of
partners... Its entirely up to you and those involved,
this is your night, you set your own limits.
Keep reading because below are a set of rules and
suggestions to familiarize yourself with to be sure you
have the best time possible.
With this approach you are certain to have the greatest
night of your life.
At the end of the night, maybe you'll exchange phone
numbers with this other couple or maybe you'll just
enjoy seeing them at "Your" club once in a while,,,
Remember, it's all up to you.
These Monthly Internet Parties are the best night for
first time visitors wanting to come check out any swing
club and the lifestyle to see what it is like, here's
why. First of all, you don't need to be a long-term
member to attend because short term memberships are
available making it very affordable for everyone to
attend. Over 200 couples flood to our parties (about 25%
which are first time visitors so why don't you be one of
them?) And since short term Memberships are available
for the Internet parties this makes them super
The price is by far the best price for any party. Be
sure to check out the "Sexy Ladies From The WebGirls
Internet Chatroom" pages on our web site to see pictures
of lots of the OnLine Ladies that come to our Monthly
Internet Parties. We must warn you, these photographs
taken at our parties are XXX-Rated and very graphic.
You'll find all these ladies chatting daily in the Town
Square - Florida Couples Chatroom on Internet and most
are happy to answer any questions you have.
So Be Sure To Cum To The Original Internet Party. It's
going to be tons of fun and that's the perfect night to
finally take the plunge and check out the club that
everyone's been talking about!
Come to our parties with an open mind and a desire for
fun. You'll make some great friends and have a great
A Special Note To Single Guys:
We appreciate single gentlemen and realize that you play
an important role in the swinging lifestyle so select
single males are permitted. "Select" means that you must
be clean, polite, well dressed and well mannered. If
you're not all of these things then our parties are not
for you. This link is required reading for All Single
Men Wishing To Attend Our Parties.
Rules To Live By For A Guaranteed Great Time
* The Golden Rule: "NO means NO". Anyone may say "NO"
for any reason at any time even if you are in the middle
of a swinging encounter and have changed your mind and
want to stop it right there! If you are in a situation
that makes you uncomfortable, just say "No". Do not
jeopardize your happiness and satisfaction with this
lifestyle, or that of your partner, by doing something
against your will just because you are afraid to say no.
The friendliest way is to say, "oh no thank you, but
thanks for asking". Be honest initially, and you will
avoid any misunderstandings. Dont forget that peoples
attitudes change and who knows? Maybe sometime in the
future you may meet again with a different opinion.
* Always treat one another with respect. After all, this
is a party! Besides, you dont want to be rude or
judgmental, because you wouldnt want it to happen to
you. If a single gentleman talks to you and you are
interested in swinging with couples only, that doesnt
mean you cant be nice to him. Hes a person just like
you! Just politely let him know.
* If you are rejected (and it happens to everyone,
including women), Do NOT take personal offense.
Rejection is a very personal thing, and its almost as
hard to reject as it is to be rejected. Honesty with
each other is crucial. Who knows? You could end up with
a great friendship if you handle the situation right.
* Deal with jealousy head on! It is a normal reaction.
Remember that this is strictly a physical & recreational
pleasure, not an emotional one. Discover what triggers
jealousy in your relationship and work it out together.
It may mean modifying your activities, but your
relationship together is not worth jeopardizing over
* Always let your steady partner know she/he is number
one. Arrive together, take time to caress them, touch
base often, it makes one feel secure. And always leave
* Use your common sense and good judgment when you are
involved in a swinging situation. Be kind, thoughtful,
and sensitive. Swingers, couples & single guys are
people and have feelings too!!!
* Honor any and all prior understandings & rules you
have made between each other, and be sure to COMMUNICATE
with each other openly and honestly so there are no
misunderstandings about your rules.
* Respect the guidelines you set as a couple and
communicate them to prospective partners. Open, honest
communication is imperative to forming relationships!
And please dont forget to respect the guidelines of
others. Dont try to "talk them into" changing the rules
because you dont happen to agree with them!
* Pay attention to body language. There is more to
interaction than words. Consider the body language of
the person you are talking with and it will tell you
more than the conversation you are having! Be sensitive
to the person and you will know what makes them
uncomfortable or happy and excited.
* Demand absolute discretion! And be worthy of the same.
Discretion is paramount in this lifestyle! Privacy is
imperative!!! Never, ever discuss details
inappropriately. Everything you do, everything you see,
MUST remain private. We have a saying, "Everything you
see here, Everything you hear here, must remain here
when you leave here".
Thank you very much for your interest in our parties. I
will now try to answer all your questions and give you
as much information as possible and I will also give you
"blue links" for you to click on that will take you to
even more detailed information on our web site. First of
Most our parties are held at an "On-Premise" couples
club. (on premise means that there are special areas
where sex takes place). It looks just like any other
very upscale night club, bars, disco, flashing lights,
chrome & glass. But it also has several TV sets
throughout playing adult movies, lounge areas, hot tubs,
several private 2-8 person play rooms and a few giant
playrooms, ("Luvnaziums"), locker room and unisex
It is not necessary to participate in the "activities"
in the large group activity room if that is not your
desire. There are observation couches & cubby holes for
you to sit or lay in comfort and enjoy your viewing
pleasure, close enough to see and enjoy, yet not so
close as to get swept up and be part of the activities.
So you can sit near the "action" but not participate,
just watching and being watched if that is your comfort
level since some members are super soft swingers and
only like to watch with minimal touching of others, and
some are soft swingers who like to do all sorts of "Hand
Play" with others but only penetrate their partner.
It is not necessary for you to be completely naked in
these activity rooms, but to go into these special
areas, you are required to check your clothes in a
locker and you will be provided you with large beach
towels to cover yourselves. If you've never been to a
swing club before, then I strongly suggest that you
visit the section on our website titled, "What To Expect
On Your First Visit To A Swing Club" This is filled with
lots of great information about the lifestyle and what
your first night will be like.
Included in your admission price is a full gourmet'
dinner buffet served all night long. All Swing Clubs are
a BYOB club, which means you will Bring Your Own Bottle
of beer, wine or alcohol and the club provides all the
juice, sodas and mixers for free.
The rules in all swing clubs all around the world is
that no guests may bring cameras of any kind ever inside
the club. This is for the privacy and protection of all
everyone. The pictures you see on our website are taken
at our monthly Internet party and Ken, our official
photographer, takes pictures only of couples that
request them to be taken and who sign a models release.
So if you'd ever like sexy digital pictures taken of
yourself for FREE, then be sure to come to our next
Internet party.
The best night for first time visitors to visit any
swing club, is our monthly Internet Party. Several
hundred fun couples, swingers, exhibitionists and
voyeurs all attend for what has become the wildest and
biggest Internet parties anywhere in the world. Go to
our Party Pixxx to see pictures from past parties! We
get big discounts at the swing clubs for our big party
group and the party starts early at 8:00 that night for
our famously popular, "Beat The Clock Night", where you
save tons of money by arriving early and only paying
$35. Complete details are available in the prices
Everything is included in your party package price (We
do not accept reservations, Memberships are available at
the door).
Florida law is very strict about private membership
clubs ONLY admitting Members and their guests. So for
anyone to enter, you must be a Member even if you are
only going to visit for one night. You will love it and
think it's well worth the price. Most people spend more
on dinner, dancing & drinks than they do for a night at
our parties... And you won't find our wild and crazy
events at Denny's or IHOP!
Clean, polite, well-dressed unescorted gentlemen are
welcome to come to our parties. Single gentlemen MUST
Click Here and read this before attending. You will be
asked if you've read this. If you have not, then you
will not be admitted.
The accepted dress code (which is strictly enforced) is
clean & neat. The ladies pull out all the stops in
dressing very sexy & erotic in sexy sheer outfits &
lingerie or glamorous long gowns, (for ladies nudity is
welcome in most areas of the club as the night
progresses and the evening heats up), while the gents
dress in slacks and a neat shirt, (no shorts, sandals
torn jeans, printed T-shirts or ball caps for the guys,
you will be turned away if you are not dressed
If we have not answered all your questions and you need
more information, please feel free to email us at or call the Night Club where our
upcoming party is scheduled.
Thank you very much, we hope to see you at our next
Internet Party!
Barbi Leigh